➠ Result by Thursday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2024-05-09 1988 1904 6415 8170 5136 6205
2024-05-02 1981 8212 2206 9569 7751 8437
2024-04-25 1974 4902 2285 6642 6102 6784
2024-04-18 1967 4286 0677 7119 1367 6288
2024-04-11 1960 6013 1290 5733 2277 9847
2024-04-04 1953 2840 8678 5677 1074 2472
2024-03-28 1946 6718 6865 2311 5767 6685
2024-03-21 1939 1690 4313 0501 6352 4863
2024-03-14 1932 1270 8637 0646 0213 7426
2024-03-07 1925 7950 7445 5734 7494 2163
2024-02-29 1918 5391 7121 7288 9472 9246
2024-02-22 1911 7185 4945 4026 8984 9530
2024-02-15 1904 8215 4112 1287 2264 6089
2024-02-08 1897 5246 4923 7104 7087 1098
2024-02-01 1890 4791 7656 4078 1081 5294
2024-01-25 1883 3082 2000 0240 4382 1937
2024-01-18 1876 0592 6894 6809 3579 5482
2024-01-11 1869 8223 5710 4211 3240 5205
2024-01-04 1862 8642 8727 8611 8208 0207
2023-12-28 1855 5082 1131 6995 7438 1734
2023-12-21 1848 6420 7350 9530 6405 7528
2023-12-14 1841 4918 9646 1759 2409 1048
2023-12-07 1834 2149 3434 7550 1242 4619
2023-11-30 1827 1624 4604 5871 5281 2518
2023-11-23 1820 2080 1760 4569 8368 0321
2023-11-16 1813 2957 3241 7428 4369 9340
2023-11-09 1806 7821 2927 4647 7414 3136
2023-11-02 1799 3149 2256 9109 8569 7548
2023-10-26 1792 2707 9838 0320 6342 3706
2023-10-19 1785 4651 1830 0084 6965 0493

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